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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Dead to self

Here is a dilemma.... How do you act towards a person in authority who does not do things correctly and concerned mainly about themselves and the retention of their power and inflation of their ego?

Believe me, i am not one to back out on a good fight.  In my mind, i could take on this so called giant and knock him off his high horse, but then again, there are two sides.  The other side being is that i have sworn to follow my Lord, big J, and his path, though not asking to be a complete weakling, demands a way of love, patience.  Does that mean you just let things happen?

I am not sure except for one thing, Big J's path is much harder than the other.

So again, how do you act?  Maybe i cannot do it.  Maybe i will focus on God and let him act through me.  They say, you have to let Big J live through your life, and not your old self.  Every day is a struggle between my old self and the self that i committed to Christ.

More updates on my boss, voldemort, to follow.

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