I've come to the land of wealth and i have lived among the wealthiest of the wealthy and if we are going to base it on world standard, i belong to the top one percent. Well most people who live in the US are anyways, but then again, comparatively, I still earn a lot compared to most US citizens.
Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain, unless watches over the city, it's watchmen watch in vain. That is what the psalms say, and that is what the Lord had been trying to etch in my heart.
Money comes and money goes.
Proverbs say that the test of a man is fame.
When i began making this amount of money, i started thinking, how do i grow it more, how do i spend it wisely, how do i invest it wisely? I did not go about on a shopping spree. I'm happy with walmart products or one dollar shirts. But then i thought about these things a lot and i guess in a way, i figured i should do more, i should invest more, i should do this, i should do that, without really asking God how could i be a blessing to other people. It wasn't about the money really, it was about my heart and it's tendency to lose focus.
Be it rich or poor, it will never be about our abundance of gold or the lack thereof. It will always be about how we handle our situation, whether we live and breathe fully for Big J or whether we do it partially.
And to be honest, it's an everyday choice to choose him. That one day astray is one day farther from him. Believe me i am an expert on straying and that is why i thank him for his abundant grace that is new every morning. I am in deep debt to this love and mercy that Big J has shown me.
But i'm thirty years old. And i need to make a decision to choose to serve him, to choose to commit my life for his cause, not for my cause, not for my dreams, but for His dreams, His will, before arthritis sets in. I mean i could go on and on and justify why I am not fully serving Him, oh i could come up with great sob stories about how me and this and how me and that,but that is focusing on me. Truth is, my joy, my happiness, my real self is found in just loving him and obeying Him. but i get so ADHD sometimes that i lose focus most of the times.
That's it. No more excuses.
Trained myself for p90x. Time to train myself in the area of spiritual maturity.
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