To follow this Big J is hard.
I can't even write it. To make sense out of it. It makes a lot of sense but my heart is constantly in a tumult. To surrender is such a hard thing. I wish it was a one time thing, but it's an everyday thing. I wish it was a time thing, you know, for a certain number of hours devote to God. I wish it was a money thing. A certain percentage of your earnings to God. But it's more than that. When you hear the drum beats of heaven, it's different. It is so real.
it's a heart thing. Surrendering your heart.
I don't make sense but tonight, i cried.
Because i did the right thing.
Because doing the right thing wasn't easy. When everybody is doing it differently.
You are one in a million he said.
Maybe if i was younger, the person in front of me said, I would have agreed to it. But i have tasted it and now i can't go back. But i respect you and i can't go against what you believe in. In the same vein, i can't agree to what you want.
I can't write about this tonight.
The flowers are dying.
The ducks are sleeping.
And me, I made the right choice, went against the wisdom of this world and listened to heaven's wisdom. Then why do i feel like this?
But my life has one constant pursuit - to know and to love Big J. And with that, obedience. It hurts because i still am alive,and as long as i am, this body would ache.
My spirit is coughing.
Trying to prepare for the onslaught.
i am tired. May the Lord who I love, give me strength to see me through.
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